‘Time4God’ is an international church community with people from all kinds of backgrounds and nations. The services take place in the Gasthuiskerk, Lange Delft 94 in Middelburg, on Sunday evenings 19.30, once a month, from Se...
‘Time4God’ is an international church community with people from all kinds of backgrounds and nations.
The services take place in the Gasthuiskerk, Lange Delft 94 in Middelburg, on Sunday evenings 19.30, once a month, from September until May. After the service there is always coffee/tea and time to meet others.
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Zondag 9 februari is er weer een Engelstalige Time4God kerkdienst in de Gasthuiskerk, Lange Delft 94. De dienst begint om 19.30 uur, de voorganger is Jacobine Scholte de Jong....
On Sunday Dec. 8, there will be another English Time4God church service. Pastor Douwe de Roest from Kapelle-Biezelinge will lead the service. The service starts 19.30, Gas...
Zondag 13 oktober, 19.30 uur is er weer een Engelstalige kerkdienst in de Gasthuiskerk. Voorganger is Stephen Murray uit Gent. Na de dienst is er koffie en thee en gelegenheid ...